14 Virtual Relief Society Activities
If you are looking for activities for the Relief Society during Covid-19 then keep reading! We have an amazing list of virtual Relief Society activities as well as drive-by Activities for Relief Society. Keep the women in your congregation connected and unified with these fun activities for social distancing.

We currently live in a world where in-person Relief Society activities are no longer being held and virtual or drive-by activities are more common. Although Relief Society activities look different it doesn’t mean they need to stop all together. It is still so important to stay connected and unified during these uncertain times.
When the world wide pandemic hit in 2020 it seemed like everything came to a stand still. We were asked to no longer meet in groups, stay home, and social distance. This was taken seriously and as we all know- in person church stopped and everything was done in our homes. Not only were Sunday meetings cancelled but so were activities.
Most Relief Society organizations hold monthly or quarterly activities. These are typically held at the church and are a wonderful opportunity to visit, learn, share and gather together. Because of Covid most Relief Societies have had to get creative when it comes to activities.
As of right now in Spring 2021 we are slowly going back to church. Some areas may even be going back to meet in person for activities. Staying connected is so important and the Relief Society organization thrives on gathering together. Even if you cannot meet in person that doesn’t mean you can’t still hold week day meetings.
We’ve come up with a great list of virtual and social distancing activities that everyone can enjoy.
What is a virtual activity?
A virtual activity is using technology to stay connected. Typically you can use your phone, iPad, Kindle, computer or laptop. Use a platform such as Zoom or Google Hangouts to reach each other virtually.
Tips for a successful virtual activity
Some Wards have called a technology specialist to help with Relief Society and Zoom meetings. This is a great opportunity to help others feel needed and to help others with technology. Before you begin having virtual activities do what you can to prepare the ladies in your ward.
- Send out step by step instructions on how to use Zoom or Google Hangouts. Consider doing this via email, Facebook, The Gospel Living App or other means of communication that your Ward has established.
- Ask Ministering Sisters to reach out to their ladies to see if they need help figuring out the technology and arrange ahead of time for someone to assist
- If an activity requires supplies make sure to drop off accordingly beforehand.
- Be patient! Many women are not used to using Zoom and may find it frustrating or confusing. Roll with the punches, expect glitches and have fun. The more you do it the easier it will become for most.
What is a social distance activity?
While virtual activities are wonderful and a great way to stay connected, some women may crave more face to face interaction. As regulations ease you may find that you are able to hold “drive-by” activities or activities where Sisters can gather together while still adhering to social distance guidelines.
- A drive by activity is one where women can drive by and either grab a treat, a hand out or do a short activity. Often it can be held in a church parking lot or in front of someone’s home.
- Encourage wearing masks if needed in your area.
- If you can- meet outside where there is plenty of space to social distance. If possible you may be able to do several different activities while staying six feet apart.
- Even drive-by activities allow you the opportunity to see your sister’s faces. To visit and connect. Even small interactions can make a big difference.
Virtual and Drive-By Relief Society Activities
Game Night
There are so many fun games you can play virtually using Zoom. Have the Zoom host assign break out rooms so you can play in smaller in groups.
Here is a list we’ve compiled of over 30 games you play online or virtually and a list of our favorite family and friendly games you can play on Jack Box TV.
Book Club
Choose a book for everyone to read and then gather on Zoom to discuss the book. Choose a few people to come prepared for questions and conversation starters about the book. Break out rooms would work well for this, too. Switch the groups up when a new question is discussed.
Virtual Tour of Church History Sights
Church History sites like Nauvoo are giving virtual tours right now. Many young missionaries are in charge and they would love for you to participate! You can call and set up an appointment or use one of their prerecorded videos. Start by heading to the Church’s website then head to each of their Facebook pages to see what is available. Watch together over Zoom as a Relief Society.
Chalk Art Challenge
Drop off chalk ahead of time and have each person create chalk art. You can give topics like scriptures, church history, inspiring quotes, etc. to get the creative juices flowing. Have each person take turns showing off their creation over Zoom. You could also switch it up and assign each person who would like to participate another person’s drive way to decorate with chalk. Show off their art work virtually.
This is an easy, fun and fast paced game that is easy to do virtually. Use break out rooms and drop off BINGO cards ahead of time. Keep track of who wins and drop off small prizes the next day.
This website has super cute church themed BINGO boards
Drive By Lemonade Stand- “When Life Gives You Lemons”
Get individually wrapped lemonades and cookies and set up a table in the church parking lot. Make it as fancy or simple as you’d like but you can decorate with yellow balloons, banners, a table cloth or whatever you’d like. Attach a hand out of your choosing (think an inspiring quote or scripture) to the lemonade and have the ladies drive by and grab the treat. Visit as needed and they can drive on by when finished.
Drive By Food Bank
Set up in the church parking lot and ask each person to drive by and drop off some canned goods that will be donated to your local food bank. Hand out a treat as a thank you.
Would You Rather Questions
You could enjoy this game virtually or six-feet apart if possible. This site has some clean, family friendly church related questions that will spark great conversation.
Skill Classes
Have several women take a few minutes to share a skill. This can be done virtually in real-time or done pre-recorded. Different skills could include: how to make frosting, how to decorate a cake, how to change a tire, how to start an online business, how to use Instagram or Facebook, how to cut hair, how to create an Instagram Reel, etc. The possibilities are endless
Drive-By Parade
Have the Relief Society Presidency drive through the neighborhoods or by homes in the your ward boundaries and throw out candy, wave, have music playing or use noise makers. Invite sisters to sit outside their homes to enjoy the entertainment!
Video Montage
Ask each sister to send in a short 30 second clip of them introducing themselves, sharing a talent, or something unique. Compile all the clips into a video that can be played over Zoom.
Some women may find this difficult for various reasons. Be prepared to volunteer to go to their homes to take the video for them especially if they are not good with technology. For an added touch- drop off a bag of microwave popcorn to each person to enjoy while watching the show.
Virtual Auction
Have everyone come to the Zoom prepared to auction something off. This could be a baked good, craft, favorite soap, etc. or a service (babysitting, cooking a meal, teach them how to do something) and then assign everyone a certain amount of points. Assign someone to be the auctioneer and then go through each person and auction their items off.
You could also do this in-person, socially distancing while outside.
Talent Show
Have each sister come prepared to share a talent or show off a skill. If they prefer, they could pre-record it and the Zoom meeting host can share their screen to be watched together.
Themed Night
Pick a theme and have everyone come to Zoom prepared to chit chat and relax. Different themes could include:
- wear a silly hat
- wear silly socks
- dress up as your favorite character
- pajama night
- crazy hair night
This is sure to break the ice! Use the breakout rooms for smaller groups to be able to visit. Switch every five minutes or so to insure everyone is given the chance to talk to different people. Most women just want to visit and catch up- especially since we haven’t been able to go to in-person church or Relief Society for so long.

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