Bosch Mixer Review: Everything You Should Know + Coupon Code
Are you considering a Bosch Universal Plus Mixer? Perhaps you just bought one and are feeling a little overwhelmed? You’ve come to the right place! Here is your ultimate guide to the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer – and where to get the best price AND a 20% off coupon!

Baking has always been my “specialty” when it comes to cooking.
I feel like it’s a great way to relieve stress, and there’s just something about baking that makes me feel all warm and cozy.
Now, do my baked goods always look beautiful? No. Especially when it comes to cake decorating – but I can almost always guarantee that 9 times out of 10, whatever I make will taste delicious, even if it doesn’t look amazing.
Homemade bread, fresh baked cookies, and everything in between…I love it all.
For years I have had a Kitchen Aid Artisan, which has been reliable, looks nice in my kitchen, and gets the job done. However, I’ve always eyed a Bosch Universal Plus Mixer – everyone I know that has one loves it, and I knew that while I was able to make cakes, small batches of cookies and brownies, and a loaf or two of bread in it…a Bosch might take things to the next level.
A few years ago, I finally got the Bosch Mixer, and I’ve used it alongside my Kitchen Air Artisan – as well as a Kitchen Aid Pro. I use my Pro the most, but I still enjoy my Bosch. Here are my thoughts on this mixer after several years of us!
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- My Personal Experience with Bosch Mixer
- Bosch Mixer Price
- What Comes with Bosch Universal Plus Mixer?
- Bosch Mixer Attachments
- Universal Plus Mixer versus Compact versus Artiste
- Bosch Mixer versus Kitchen Aid
- What You Can Do with a Bosch
- Where to Buy a Bosch Mixer?
- Plastic Drive versus Metal Drive
- How to Clean Your Bosch
- 10 Things to Know About Your Bosch Universal Plus Mixer
- Bosch Universal Plus Mixer Warranty
My Personal Experience with Bosch Mixer
I got my Universal Plus Mixer nearly six years ago. As I mentioned, before this, I had a Kitchen Aid Artisan that I loved (and still have). I really thought that Bosch Universal Mixer was going to be a game changer!
The truth is, old habits die hard. I ended up getting a Kitchen Aid Pro a few years ago, and it’s the mixer I primarily use now. I just felt more comfortable with using a Kitchen Aid, and I got frustrated when I couldn’t always get my Bosch to work the way I wanted it to.
This is 100% due to user error and preference. I still think the Bosch is a FANTASTIC mixer and with a ton of potential. I just like my Kitchen Aid more. I don’t think you can go wrong with either machine – but if you have used the Kitchen Aid for awhile, it might take some getting used to.
A few things that I do think are nice about the Bosch, and that you should consider when deciding if the Plus is right for you.:
- Capacity – it can make a lot of food
- Sturdy
- Splash shield makes it easy to add ingredients and keep the ingredients in while mixing. Because the motor is below the mixer, you can easily add ingredients without stopping the machine. Amazing!
- Ideal for making bread and large batches of cookies
- Lightweight and easy to store
- Powerful – 800 watts. You guys, this is incredibly powerful – the motor has the ability to mix up to 15 POUNDS of whole wheat dough at once.
- Expandable with great attachments
- The double whisk feature allows ingredients to be mixed faster and more efficiently
- Stands the test of time – many, many people report passing Bosch Mixers down from generation. togeneration.
If you plan to bake a lot – especially bread – I think a Bosch is the best stand mixer available to you. However, even if you aren’t an avid baker but you just want a reliable stand mixer, it’s one to consider.
Bosch Mixer Price
With no discounts applied, the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer, as described above, is $399.
However, I would urge you NOT to buy it at that price! Bosch runs amazing promotions throughout the year where you can get a whole bunch of awesome attachments, and the price ends up being around $400.
For instance, this year they’ve had promotions that have included:
- The Baker’s Package
- The Ice Cream Maker
- The Blender
Click here to get the BEST price on the Bosch Mixer and to check out what bundle deal is available. You can use the code CLARKS20 for 20% off.
If we know of any deals, they will be listed below!
What Comes with Bosch Universal Plus Mixer?
Bosch often offers some AMAZING bundle deals on their Bosch Mixers, but if you opt to just buy the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer on its own, you will get:
- 6.5-quart plastic mixing bowl – BPA Free
- Dual Wire Whisks
- Dough Hook
- Dough Hook extender
- 2 piece pouring and splash shield
Next, I will talk about the Bosch Mixer Attachments, which can help make a Bosch Universal Plus Mixer into a kitchen machine that can easily replace other appliances in your kitchen.
Bosch Mixer Attachments
Many people choose a Kitchen Aid because of how many attachments they have…but you might be surprised to hear that Bosch has quite a few, too.
I think that the thing that is nice about the Bosch is that it can really replace all sorts of appliances if you want it to. As you can see, they have a TON of attachments. But don’t let that overwhelm you – I don’t want you to think, “I just spend hundreds of dollars on this mixer…now I have to buy MORE?” You can use and love your mixer with the things that are included in your initial purchase – these items are purely optional
At the end of this section, I will share the attachments that I think are most useful for people who are baking.
Food and Meat Grinder – One of our readers said she LOVES this attachment, even though she doesn’t use it frequently. It is great for helping you to grind your own meat – and it is also required for other attachments (like the berry press) to work.
Stainless Steel Bowl – I would really like to get this. While the plastic bowl works just fine, I just really prefer stainless steel. Maybe it’s because I’m used to my Kitchen Aid Bowl, but I just think it looks and feels sturdier. I’m not the biggest fan of plastic. There are a few different models of the stainless steel bowl – and not all fit with every model of the Universal Plus Mixer. So make sure you get the right one for yours!
With that said, there is a very good reason for why Bosch has a plastic bowl for their mixer, which I’m going to keep you in suspense about so you read the section on “Things to Know About Your Bosch Mixer”
Complete Blender – This is a great add-on that attaches to your Universal Plus Mixer. I’ll be honest – I have a Blendtec, and I tend to use that the most simply because I’m crushing spinach and other veggies in it. But I think this little blender packs a lot of punch. I like using it when I’m baking and have to grind up oats into a powder – it’s convenient to have it just there, and I don’t have to pull out my Blendtec.
Slicer Shredder – I’ve had a few people tell me this is a really helpful attachment. I love to use freshly grated cheese as opposed to pre-shredded – but I hate shredding it so I rarely do. This might be a game changer for me. We just grated a bunch of zucchini today for zucchini bread, and I wish I had this – it would have made the job so much easier.
Bowl Scraper – Very helpful to get to make sure you always get all the batter! I actually wasn’t quite sure what this was when I first took it out of the box, but it’s a great tool.
Dough Hook – The dough hook is amazing (and it looks pretty heavy-duty!). It’s great for kneading bread or mixing thicker doughs (or when you have lots of mixins for cookies!) It mimics how the fingers work to knead, helping the ingredients become better incorporated and rise more efficiently.

Dough Hook Extender – This is a great tool for extending your dough hook for smaller batches. I have found smaller batches to be a little trickier.

Universal Cookie Paddles – Great for making cookies. If you add too many mix-ins, though, you may want to switch to the dough hook.

Flour Sifter – I am really bad at sifting ingredients (I know, so terrible ;-). I might actually do it if I had this!

Cake Paddles – These are really handy, though don’t mix them up with your cookie paddles, because they definitely won’t whip butter!

Ice Cream Maker – My friend LOVES this attachment. It’s definitely on my list of ones to get
Universal Plus Cover
Currently, my primary use for the Universal Plus is for baking – if that’s what you are planning to do, I strongly recommend getting the Bosch Baker’s Package, which has the metal whip driver, bowl scraper, cookie paddles, and the cake paddles.
Universal Plus Mixer versus Compact versus Artiste
So there are two mixers from Bosch that you can get – the Universal Plus Mixer (which is what I have) and the Compact.
The compact has about half the wattage at 400 watts, and it is significantly smaller at 4 quarts. It is about half the weight as the Universal Mixer. While the Universal Mixer can handle over 15 cups of flour, the compact can only handle around eight. It retails at $149, so it is significantly less expensive than the Universal mixer.
With that said, it has similar specs to other popular stand mixers, and it’s available at a fraction of the price. If you have limited space and a limited budget, it’s a great option. However, if you can afford the Bosch Univeral, I would go with that one.
And then there is the Nutrimill Artiste! Nutrimill is the sister company to Bosch, and this is a compact stand mixer that they sell. Even though it’s small, it has a whopping 650-watt motor! It has 5.5 quart bowl, and it’s under $200. I think it’s a pretty cool-looking machine, and it packs a lot of punch. It comes with the wire whisks and dough hook, but they occasionally have some pretty awesome bundle deals!
Bosch Mixer versus Kitchen Aid

Be sure to read our FULL comparison post here – Bosch Mixer versus KitchenAid Mixer.
While there are lots of different stand mixers out there, I think the biggest debate comes down to these two mixers (at least in my circle of friends!)
Pretty much EVERYONE I know has a Kitchen Aid – but a handful of them have a Bosch (often in addition to a Kitchen Aid). People sometimes get curious and wonder if they are missing out on having a Kitchen Aid.
I’ll be honest – I have loved my Kitchen Aid from the start. I grew up with my mom often using her Kitchen Aid Professional, which is still working very well after many years. I have used my Artisan to the bones, and despite the cord fraying, it still works well.
The Kitchen Aid is a GOOD mixer – and if you are happy with it, then that’s great. I still plan to keep mine – because really, aren’t two mixers better than one, anyway?
With that said, I do think that the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer comes out on top. When compared side by side, it absolutely has the most power – the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer has 800 watts of power, while the most powerful Kitchen Aid Mixer – the Professional 600 series – only has 575 watts (I hate to say only, because that is quite powerful. But it shows how much less powerful it is overall).
As I’ve used both of my mixers, I have found that the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer definitely handles large batches quite a bit more. In full disclosure, I just have the Kitchen Aid Artisan, which really isn’t in the same league. But I have used my mom’s sturdy old Kitchen Aid Professional, and the Bosch still seems to work better.
Here are a few things I like about the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer more:
- The power and ability to make large batches of things. This is simply unbeatable in my opinion.
- Sturdiness
- It mixes up batter faster
- The suction cups – I know this might seem silly, but I really like these! It makes the mixer feel more stable.
- Easy to clean – I feel like batter comes off the bowl easier when I’m cleaning it.
- Good warranty
Here are a few things I like about the Kitchen Aid Mixer more:
- The colors and look of it – I do think it looks prettier! All of the color options definitely make it easier to match to your kitchen.
- The footprint – I think overall it just fits better on the countertop. It’s not that much smaller overall, but it does take less space (unless you turn the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer to its side. Then it doesn’t take up as much as space).
- No center pole – this is probably my biggest gripe about the Bosch…the center pole. I don’t know why, but when I’m scraping out batter, it kind of annoys me. Sometimes I have to hand mix ingredients in for different recipes, and it’s not as easy to do with that center pole.
What You Can Do with a Bosch
Cookies, cakes, and bread…obviously! But there is so much more you can do with a Bosch than you probably ever could have imagined.
One thing that you can do with the wire whisks is shred chicken. I don’t know about you, but shredding chicken is probably my least favorite thing. When I discovered I could do it with my Kitchen Aid, it was a total game changer. So I was pleased when I heard you can use the wire whisks to shred chicken as well – just place some freshly cooked chicken breasts into the blender and turn it to level one until shredded to your heart’s content.
With either the wire whisks or cookie paddles, you can make mashed potatoes.
- Beverages
- Smoothies
- Milk shakes
- Protein Shakes
- Blended drinks (such as hot chocolate or coffee)
- Alcoholic beverages (I don’t drink alcohol
- Soups
- Salsa
- Bread Crumbs
- Pasta Sauce
- Baby Food
Meat Grinder
- Ground Meat
- Relish
- Cheese logs
- Baby food
- Pet food
- Chunky Salsa
- Nut butters
- Pastas
Pasta Attachment
- Different varieties of pasta
- Egg Pasta
- Spinach Pasta
- Whole wheat pasta
- Fettuicini or angel hair
- Fondant
- Homemade crackers
- Wonton Wrappers
- Cheese
- Vegetables for veggie pasta
Food Processor
- Hummus
- Salsa
- Pesto
- Salad Dressings
- Pancake Batter
- Deviled Eggs
- Cheesecake Crust
- Hashbrowns
Ice Cream and Sorbets
Where to Buy a Bosch Mixer?
So, where to buy one? As I mentioned above, Bosch Mixers aren’t available in all of the big box stores like Target and Walmart. For the most part, you can buy them from individual retailers (there are Bosch stores – which are awesome. When I lived in Utah, the one near us had cooking classes!), online from their website, or on Amazon. I have heard of them being sold at Costco stores during a roadshow, but I haven’t honestly seen that myself.
I generally recommend buying straight from the company itself – that way you know you get the correct warranty, the right product, and customer service tends to be best that way. You can usually get the best deals from Bosch as well because they are often offering bundle deals.
Plastic Drive versus Metal Drive

There are two different drives that you will use with your Bosch Mixer attachments (unless you are using the dough hook). These are used for very specific reasons, and you don’t want to mix those purposes up.
For the most part, you will use the metal drive with your attachments. The plastic one should only be used for liquids – such as whipping cream or egg whites. I accidentally used the plastic drive with my cookie paddles once, and let’s just say I almost broke both things.
How to Clean Your Bosch
Almost all of the detachable pieces of your Bosch Universal Plus Mixer can be washed in the dishwasher. However, you should always hand wash the following:
- The Drive Shaft
- The Dough Hook
Bosch has a very in-depth guide on how to clean your Bosch Universal Plus Mixer. Instead of trying to recount all the information in there, I will direct you over there. However, a few things to keep in mind:
- Make sure your mixing bowl is completely dry before putting it back on the stand mixer base
- The motor does not need to be (and really, can’t be) cleaned with oil. However, you can use an occasional drop of oil on the drive socket
- The drive shaft should NEVER be completely immersed into water – even when hand washing
Recipes for Beginners
If you have favorite recipes that you already use with your current mixer, hand mixer, or by hand, you can easily use those in the Bosch. However, if you are looking for some good recipes for beginners, here are some recipes from the Bosch website.
Our favorite bread recipes
- My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
- Best Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe
- Homemade Wheat Sandwich Bread
- Sweet Quick Dinner Rolls {{Less than One Hour!}}
You may also enjoy: The Secret to Successful Bread Making and 9 Easy Yeast Bread Recipes
10 Things to Know About Your Bosch Universal Plus Mixer
Well, if you’ve gotten to this point in this article – congratulations! I know it was a bit long. However, here are a few things to keep in mind that I think are helpful when starting out with your new Bosch Universal Plus Mixer.
Read the Instructions
I know this may seem pretty standard, but I’m the worst at reading instructions, and I almost always regret it. Read all the information they send you – how to set it up, what to use the different attachments for, etc. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it is worth doing.
Cookie paddles are designed to break
Did you know that the cookie paddles are designed to break? I guess I should clarify – they are designed to break if the mixer starts to get overloaded. This is a way to protect the motor from breaking – so they break instead!
It’s Fast
As I mentioned, the double whisk feature allows this mixer to mix batter and dough super quickly. I’m amazed by how fast my ingredients are combined.
Twist the drive shaft
So when I first used my Bosch, I was super frustrated because I couldn’t get the drive shaft out of it. Which, looking back, was really dumb…but in case you have trouble, you just have to twist it, and it should come loose.
20 cups of ingredients at a time
The capacity of the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer is monstrous – it can hold up to 20 cups of ingredients at a time, which is pretty crazy. This amounts to:
- 9 loaves of bread or 15 pounds of whole wheat bread dough
- 34 dozen cookies in ONE batch – Forrest still dooesn’t believe this one. I don’t currently have a reason to make 34 dozen cookies, but when I do, he’s going to be amazed!
The Plastic Bowl is Smart
As I said above, the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer comes with a plastic bowl. I wasn’t a huge fan of this at first – it just seemed…cheaper? But it’s actually really well made. And when I discovered why they have the plastic bowl included instead of the stainless steel one (which you can buy separately), it made me love Bosch even more.
It’s actually preferred to use a plastic bowl with bread baking, as metal tends to be cooler and can interfere with the yeast proofing. Kind of interesting! But it shows that Bosch knows what they are doing having the plastic comes standard with the mixer. I would love to get the stainless steel one, just to test the waters.
The low setting is powerful
I rarely, if ever, go above the first speed setting. It is really powerful! If you need just a small pulse, you can twist it to the left, and you will get a pulse.
You will LOVE the splash shield
This is easily my favorite part of my Bosch. The splash shield! It is so much better than the one that is on my Kitchen Aid. Not only does it have a lid you can put on top, so ingredients don’t go everywhere, but it’s really handy when it’s open to easily add ingredients.
Push the cord back in
You can push the cord back into the machine for easy storage!
The Suction Cups are Amazing
I absolutely love the suction cups on the bottom! It helps keep the mixer more steady while mixing.
Have something to hold your accessories
I have several accessories, and at first, I was just keeping them all in the bowl of my mixer…but I quickly discovered this was not the best idea. I felt so overwhelmed when I went to mix something, and there was suddenly a big mess everywhere. Get a dedicated little box or bag to store them in – there are some smaller pieces, so you don’t want to miss those!
Motor cover has to be on

If you have the blender or other attachments, you will need to take the motor cover off to use them. If you forget to put it back on after you are done using them, the machine won’t work. Just something to remember if you go to turn on your mixer, and it won’t start!
Not Just for Bakers
I think some people are under the impression that a Bosch Universal Plus Mixer is just for people who are bakers, who are making large amounts of baked goods on a regular basis, etc. But it’s really not! It’s simple to use, powerful, and it will last you a very long time. Even if you only use a mixer occasionally, it’s worth getting in my opinion.
Double Check the Metal Shaft
I am ALWAYS forgetting to put the metal shaft in before I go and start adding ingredients. It’s not really that big of a deal, but it can be annoying to have to put it in while all my ingredients are already in there.
With that said, it is annoying to put your attachments on after all the ingredients are in – which is what you end up having to do when the metal shaft isn’t in there (it’s necessary for using your mixing attachments!). They don’t always just float in smoothly when your bowl is full of ingredients, so make sure you have all your attachments in there and ready to go from the get-go.
It’s Loud
Don’t ask me why, but I was expecting my Bosch to be silent.
‘Tis not so. When you have an 800-watt motor, it’s hard to keep things quiet. So don’t be surprised that it does produce some noise when mixing. It’s not unbearable – just noticeable.
Bosch Universal Plus Mixer Warranty
Bosch has an awesome warranty – it is a three-year warranty that comes standard with your purchase. This covers the motor base and transmission – assuming it was not damaged by user error. The other attachments for the mixer have a one-year warranty. You will need to have your receipt – and their customer service department is very helpful.
Ready to buy your Bosch? Click here to get the best deals on Bosch available today!
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The link near plastic and metal doesn’t work for me:
We will look into this, thank you!
I just want to say that the plastic bowl does not come standard with the Bosch Universal Plus. I see it does in America, but it doesn’t in Europe. Here in Norway, it is only sold with the steel bowl, not the plastic (and for a lower price than the american version). So which bowl that comes standard, depends on the market they are sold in. And our Bosch is 1000 watt, not 800.
And we can’t get the dough hook extender, the cake paddles and the cookie paddles, unless we order it from America (which I did with the dough hook extender, since the Bosch can’t make small batches).
I wonder why the drive shaft should not be fully immersed in water? I have not done that too many times, since I just recently got my machine. But I didn’t know about it, so I have immersed it in water.
Another thing that is strange is that the americans don’t get the dough divider as standard. I don’t have a manual with my machine since I bought it second-hand, but I found a manual online, and it said that the dough divider must be in place every time you use the dough hook. I don’t know what to believe, because the distributor in America says this about the dough divider: “Only works with the Bosch Universal Classic Mixer (NOT Universal Plus)”. So the manual says it must be used, and the american distributor says it can’t be used. Maybe the american and european Bosch are different?
The manual also says to mix ingredients on speed one and knead on speed 3. So I have been kneading speed 3 instead of 1 or 2 after I found out that 3 is the recommended speed.
Thanks for sharing! I just shared the information based on my location and experience, since that’s where the majority of our readers are from. It does sound like the American and European versions are different 🙂
So many fancy attachments! My best friend has one and she uses it to make her famous Halloween sugar cookies every year!