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Heart Shaped Sweet Rolls

Looking for the perfect breakfast for your sweeties this Valentine's Day? These heart shaped sweet rolls are the perfect idea!

Looking for the perfect breakfast for your sweeties this Valentine’s Day? These heart shaped sweet rolls are the perfect idea!

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Thank you to Tampico for providing the inspiration for this post. 

Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that I always enjoy, but I never throw myself into it like other holidays. It’s kind of niceto be a little more laid back about things.

Still, I do put a little effort into celebrating the day. I enjoy picking up gummy hearts and Valentine’s colored chocolate candies. I like buying Jack a new little toy and a small box of chocolates. I can hardly resist picking up some of the cute decorations in Target’s $1/$3 spot. And of course,I love spending the day with Forrest.

Our first Valentine’s Day (which was three days after we started dating), Forrest invited me to his apartment to make homemade pizza. It was so sweet! His family loves making homemade pizza, so it was fun for him to include me in something that he loved doing with his family. We listened to Josh Groban music, ended up making five pizzas (about four too many), and

Our first married Valentine’s Day, I think Forrest kind of forgot about it. And of course, being the emotional person I am, I was so sad!In hindsight, I could have easily planned something…but I was young 😉 We ended up driving around to tons of different restaurants, only to be turned away by most of them, until we ended up at the Old Spaghetti Factory, which ended up being the perfect location. I discovered my love of Mizithra pasta (I had serious cravings for it during pregnancy), and that restaurant will always hold a special place in my heart. I mean, it saved us from eating atMcDonald’s.

This will be our seventh Valentine’s Day that  we will have spent together. Though this year, we will be spending it in a car as we drive back from Northern Idaho. Not exactly the epitome of romantic, but at least we are all together. Maybe we’ll go somewhere yummy to eat on the side of the road!

I often say this, but holidays are even more fun with children. I love seeing how excited Jack gets when I put up a new decoration or when he sees little Valentine’s at the store. I picked up a little Valentine’s mailbox at Target, and he went crazy over it! The smallest things make him happy, and I love being able to watch it.

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Since we are going to be out of town on Valentine’s Day, I thought I would make a special treat for us before we left. Jack has beenasking me to buy orange rolls for a while now, so when I saw them on sale recently, I picked up a package.

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Forrest suggested that I make them in the shapes of hearts using this silicone heart baking pan I got a few years ago. I sometimes buy things and forget about them – this was one of them – so I was glad he suggested it! I also wanted to make the glaze a little more delicious, and whenI saw Mango Tampico at the store, I thought that was a much-needed “zing” that the glaze needed.

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I was a little nervous about whether or not they would turn out looking like hearts or just turn into big blobs of dough (especially because the raw dough didn’t fill the inside of the hearts all the way). So, when I opened the oven, I was thrilled to see that they had expanded perfectly into the shape of a heart!

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I must admit – I didn’t want to eat them at first because I just enjoyed admiring them. That feeling didn’t last long as the citrusy aroma filled the room, and Jack was politely asking for one.

I loved the added flavor in the glaze from the Tampico, and I also loved how easy these were. They turned out so cute with hardly any effort at all – my favorite kind of project. I have a feeling these heart-shaped orange rolls will be a yearly tradition now!

Mango Orange Heart Rolls

Mango Orange Heart Rolls


  • 1 package refrigerated orange rolls
  • 1 ½ Tablespoons Mango Tampico
  • Individual Heart Shaped Silicone Mold


  1. Preheat oven topackage instructions.
  2. Place the siliconemold on a baking sheet.
  3. Open the refrigeratedorange rolls. Remove one roll at a time and unroll. Place one end of the rollat the center of the heart and wrap around the edge of the heart. Wrap the remainder of the roll into the center of the heart. There will be some gaps remaining.
  4. Cook according to package instructions.
  5. While cooking, placethe orange roll icing in a bowl and add the Tampico. Mix together untilcombined.
  6. After rolls are done cooking, remove from oven and drizzle liberally the icing on top while still hot. Remove from silicone mold after they’ve cooled for about 5-10 minutes.
  7.  Remove from silicone mold after they’ve cooled for about 5-10 minutes.
  8. Enjoy!

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