FREE Editable and Printable Chalkboard Birthday Poster

An editable chalkboard birthday poster that you can edit with your child’s name and stats and also change the color and fonts! This is perfect for a first birthday.


Today is my baby Oliver’s first birthday!

I can hardly believe he’s already a year. While I’ll admit the first few months were very hard, and some days I felt would never end…it really has flown by.

He has grown so much. He started out so small at just 5.5 lbs – I remember walking around holding him and feeling like I wasn’t holding anything.

He’s only about 19 pounds now (around the 15th percentile), but I am SO happy with that. He really struggle to gain weight for awhile. Forrest and I used to cheer every time we saw him go up 1/10th of a percentile. I remember distinctly when he finally broke the 0!

It’s weird to think back on our life before him – sometimes it just feels like that time didn’t even exist. How did we last so long without this sweet little spirit.

He truly brings so much joy to all of us. Jack adores him and loves being a big brother. He often tells me that he just waited so long for Oliver, and that our family just wouldn’t be the same without him.

And I have to agree.

I love these chalkboard birthday posters that are popular right now. So, I decided to make my own in Canva. It’s not as fancy as some that are available on Etsy, but I’m excited to print it off later today!

Because I made it in Canva, it is available to ALL of you to customize and print off for your little one as well.ย 

Just enter your email below and you will get the instructions.

[birdsend form=2354]

Happy Birthday to my Oliver!

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  1. I didn’t see the printable card in my mail, I read all through but didn’t find it.

  2. hi there, thank you for creating this, this is amazing! How did you print yours? And what size is it?

  3. Hello Katie,

    I as well didnt received the link in the email. i have thoroughly checked my mailbox. but no email.
    Can you please send it to me.

    1. Once you respond to the email you are sent, it will be sent to you. Please check your spam.

  4. Hi Katie,

    I love this birthday poster very much. However I can’t find the file on canva. Could you please advice?
    Thank you very much.

    1. Oh! thanks! I found the file after going back to your email and click “this link”. I’ve followed your instruction to make a copy of your original file. thanks very much! I love your design!

      1. How did you do it? It can’t seem to open the file. ๐Ÿ™ And my baby’s birthday is next week

  5. Hi, I’m trying to open in canva, but it doesn’t. Can you please send me a link. Thanks

  6. I can open it but I can’t get it to the edit screen? Can you share the link with me?

  7. I love your poster, but I can’t upload it on Canva unless you share it with me. Would you be able to do that? Thank you!

    1. Hmm, I’m confused why it’s not working! Whenever I open it in another browser, I don’t have an issue. What is the error it gives you? I’ll see if I can directly share the link with you ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I clicked on your link and it pops up but there is not way to edit it. I set up an account.

  8. Hi Katie, am trying to use the chalkboard poster, but am not able to get it open in Canva to edit it…


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